"Everyone takes the limits of his own vision for the limits of the world." -ARTHUR SCHOPENHAUER (The Future of physics by Dr Michio Kaku )

When we start mentioning about future, we often thinking that our future will be the future of artificial intelligence. They would take over the human government and our lives as for their will. Some say that artificial intelligence even can ravage the human resources, consume human to be their workers and make us as their pet (since at that time they already become more intelligent than us). Eventually, this future event should be reconsidered. Since in the year of 1970, Isaac Asimov, the writer and futurist wrote about the law of robot which is still well known until now, it is the three laws of robotics or Asimov's Laws. Back to the topic, we are talking about future now until 2100. Based on the Moore's Law about chip that will increase its speed every 18 months, we actually will reach the limit when we are unable to create a much smaller transistor when we reach the 5 atoms space level when the space between emitter and collector will be just 5 carbon atom in diameter. So when this happened, we will reach an economy collapse in technology. At this level, we are also unable to create a much faster computer. Who want to buy a computer at the same speed at different prices ? So this become our toughest challenge now which should be overcome by physicist and computer engineers.
The future of medicine
In our near future, we would have a technology that can collect our genetics. The company who is doing this already exist,
Illumina. In our near future, our genetics already can be modified, we actually also can become a person who everyone desire to be. For example if we want the nose like Shah Rukh Khan, just take his gene for nose and put it into our genetics (of course we need his permission for taking his nose gene ). We can also actually detect our heredity diseases like cancer and hepatitis. Soon, we also can be living in the world without cancer, the word cancer also can be remove from our dictionary. Now we already know that our MRI machine can be minimize into the size of a 5.5 inch phone. Soon we will be living in a world that everything will contain a chip. Our room, bath room, kitchen will be our personal doctor. They will scan us every periods of time needed. Let say if you detected having a cancer in your lungs, it would be easier to remove it since our rooms or our house can detect it in the scale of 1-5 cells before it become more severe like a thousand of them and is developing a tumor. If our body already contain a tumor inside, we should't be worry because we will have a nanobots that will be use for cutting down the tumor at its precise measurement. The future of nanotechnology in convincing, soon our engineers will start working in the nanotechnology-based company. Nanotechnology will be a real scientific breakthrough of human civilization (if we don't kill our self by launching a nuclear war). With nanotechnology, we also can create a synthetic organ like heart. Now we already got a mechanical heart that can function like a normal heart that can assure its beats for 5 years. But soon, with nanotechnology diffuse with genetics engineering, we can actually synthesize an organic heart by taking a stem cells and our somatic cells. Stem cell soon will be legalize , now its become an ethical and a religious issue because the only way to harvest stem cell is in female's embryo. Stem cell research is moving to the next phases now day and growing exponentially. In our near future, we will also create a "Super Human". Since we were already unlocked the secret of DNA through the Human Genome Project that were costed more than 3 billion USD, we are at the phase of human's self-evolution. Soon we are actually able to take the genius genes and place it into our genetic. Our next generation would be a next stage of human evolution, the generation of geniuses (this does not mean i am supporting Darwinism because evolution is something wide).Their existence is necessary because their role in humanity is crucial in medical world because they can remember facts much more easier and work more efficient.
The Future Of Consciousness
Remember when i am talking about artificial intelligence ? What make A.I an AI? It is about their consciousness. Consciousness is the only thing that differ us (human) than animal. Without it you would not reading this because you will never intend to. There are three levels of consciousness, the first level is like a thermostat. It can detect temperature from it surrounding and react to it. Second level of consciousness that is now inside every animals. Level three consciousness? Of course, only the human have it. Level three consciousness is thinking about the future, or being futuristic. Even the Honda's greatest robot Asimo has a consciousness of a cockroach, level one consciousness because cockroach know its surrounding and react to it like doing an escape if there is a prey. The future of consciousness maybe something that far beyond. Now physicist and scientist are working a research about consciousness. Believe or not, they are trying to put the consciousness into a supercomputer. Theoretically, we could build a supercomputer that has a consciousness. It can think, calculate, even have a emotional sensation. But, the problem about this supercomputer are it is too big(the size of 4 football fields), it need 500 Gigawatts of power to generates and it will be too hot to be cool down (need a river to cool it down). Besides, our brain with the same power as the supercomputer just need a power of 20 watts. Now scientists are researching about the bottom-up method, where it should be functioning like our brain, where the learning process was happening by trials and errors. We could have this technology maybe in 10 years after this, but it is the only matter of money." If you want it in 10 years, then there you go. But if you want it in the next century there you go", from dr Michio Kaku's book, physics of the future. However Artificial intelligence is not something impossible. Let say if they have a will to replicate themself into the more sophisticated robot that are much smarter than us, would they just simply ravage us soon? (like the terminator) However we should set the limitation so that this will not happen. The future of consciousness will not stop until the AI. Humanity will evolve themself in another century because they will actually find the way to read mind of the others.That ability is Telephaty. Telephaty will change our world entirely. The society now will know others feeling, there would be no more wars, because now they can feel what others emotion. The world will reach a point of international harmony. People will love each other because they understand what others feeling. They will not using a weapon to since they already known that the only ways to keep the safety of entire human races is understanding. Telephaty will be our greatest achievement after the space exploration.