Once again I want to say that, I'm here are not to put the blame on my own beloved race, but as a future leader, I felt the responsibility to overcome this calamity that still intriguing the Malays. As a Malay, I even pledged to protect our race. Maybe this article seems to be "racist" but for me, this article can bring benefits to other races as well. If we want to change other people, we need to change ours first. Actually what really bring me to write this kind of article? Do I write this article just for filling my leisure time and filled the brim of people or perhaps for showing others that I am a great writer although I am not? No, I write this because the situation that happened among the Malays are getting worse. From day to day, as one of the SBP student, i certainly proud to be part of it, but after experienced about a year, I realised that i was actually not at the right station. This certainly because, the attitude of the Malay students there. They are disrespectful, rude and forgetful, or on other words, typical Malays.
Based on my experiences, the Malays corrupt are mostly because of multiple type of reasons. The first indicator that bring us toward the corruption is our mentality. When we talking about the mentality, mostly of the Malays still don't realise that they have an awkward mentalities, one of it is, the unsupportive mentality. Whatever have been done by the "Anak Melayu" will always been rejected and condemned by our own race. I barely can not understand why is this happening.For instance, if a producer make a movie about something that are fresh and new but seems to be peculiarity, the Malays will bring them into condemnation, they always be. But why do the Malays do not condemned the "Orang Putih's" movies like the Hollywood movies although they are visibly contradicting with our east cultures? Why we must proud of the things that made by other countries? Do they can bring benefits to us? Do they can give us profit if we tribute them? They don't isn't ?
The next thing is, our speech - As a student,I have been fed with Malay students. They commonly used harsh and ribald words that actually not good for our common hearing and mental growth. Besides, they often used all the cynic words when talking to their friends. This actually one of the bad common practical doings that lead us to the corruption. For those teenagers who read this article, please stop using that kind of words if you want to save your own races because like I said lately, "If you want to change the other, you must change yourself first".
Next is our hygiene. As a Malay, we have been thought naturally from our parents to throw rubbishes with inaccurate action in a negative manner and what happened when we grow up as an adult and became like what our parents thaught of? We will following their steps. This kind of behaviors still in the Malays attitude. They still do not concern with their hygiene. Oh my God.... But I think we can change this. Starting from this moment, we need to stop throwing rubbishes at the places that we are not suppose to. We must show to the others that we are taking care of our hygiene hence the eyes around you will realise on their mistakes obviously after seeing our concern towards sanitation . By this way, they also will practices good hygiene even small percent of it, but trust me, if they doing this persistently, Insyaallah, the Malays will become one of the most hygienic race not only in the Malaysia, but also in the world.
Last but not least, "Bajet", "Poyo" and all those improper words are frequently being used when someone doing something that are incredible infront of the other Malays. I really disappointed with this kind of manner, close minded! We often heard a laugh and a condemnation when someone who talking infront of us, especially he is our friend. But do we realise that our friend that give a shot to talk infront of the crowd actually are braver and confident more than us ? The Malays need to change this mentality, we need to be more open minded and be more acceptable. We need to accept any kind of ideas that given by anyone as long as it suits our innate nature, we can not easily reject any of them. Start from now, we as a Malay need to be more open minded. "Great people talks about ideas, average people talks about things, small people talks about other people" think about this quote, where should you place yourself, then you will realise and please be ponder upon this.
I think enough until here, but I will keep writing soon, although in my "Asrama". Let the renaissance happen in our race! Amin.
Written by, Shafiq Haniffa,
Grammars fixed by my cousin,
2 shawwal, 1443 hijrah.